Votsi ELT

Sustainable Nutrition

50 years of ELT distilled into a project

At VOTSI, we’ve been teaching languages since 1971.  However, our industry has always been – perhaps even more now – focused on certification.  Unfortunately, the short-sighted, fear-induced, goal of certification is directly opposed to the holy grail of education, lifelong learning as the 2 ideas are mutually exclusive.  Now, this is a problem and 100% of ELT suppliers and the majority of language school owners, teachers, parents and students reinforce it choosing to be part of it.  However, siding with VOTSI ELT, will catapult you to the top of your industry alongside those who are part of the solution.  Welcome to the future of language learning!

100% project based language learning

nothing could be more satisfying than working for a cause you believe in

Thank you for participating in a VOTSI project.

Our students were overjoyed at the idea of crafting a unique real life learning situation. More than half of them pre-registered their friends! We are increasing our student base. What more to ask for? Leadership is what Hellenic ELT lacks!
School owner
I've been teaching for 20 years. I had no idea how much I'd gain from such an open-ended innovative project. I have already included it in my resume as an experience which is changing the future of ELT. Students were so attentive!
Having seen the valuable skills imparted to students alongside language development I know that the first thing parents should ask from any school is to treat students as professionals as early as possible.
i mostly enjoyed the IT module of the project. I remember the vocabulary and I can apply it to start my own business or get a job. God willing, I will most likely be an entrepreneur. Now I know. I love English and web design



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